June 23-25, the second World Innovations Forum Conference, will be held online. Broadcasted from our innovation studios in Lucerne Switzerland, attendees will meet innovative minds from fast-emerging countries discussing needs and dreams, plans and programs to bring the “New World” on eye-level with the “Old World.” Ingenuity, curiosity, determination, networking power, unbreakable will-power, and top education, all of the necessities of top-level entrepreneurs are seen in the fearless and risk-taking entrepreneurs in South East Asia and Africa. Many of those countries are on the verge of profound change. Let’s be straight forward; self-confidence and eagerness unfolds ingenuity.


The same determination drives the WIForum Foundation members such as country ambassadors, champions, partners, volunteers from Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Vietnam, as well as industry partners from developed nations. The goal is to elevate the economic level of those nations to become autonomous and able to compete in global markets – but more importantly, contribute to human progress. The fact of life: 1 billion people can only feed the other 6 billion people if that is their sole focus. But, 7 billion people together are able to solve most of the biggest problems we see today in the near future and can truly be considered equal. Togetherness empowers us to get to sustainable innovation in our industry, energy needs, care and social development while building out our comfortable lives – without sacrificing our planet. 


The two largest continents by size, Asia and Africa, and also by population, with 6 of the 7.7 billion people, represent the most substantial innovation potential on earth. The WIForum Digital 2020 Conference offers an insight into what to expect from the most significant parts of our planet and where it may take us. You will get a glimpse into the world of top-notch startups from Africa and Asia and how they shape to win the world. By the end of this decade we will see a boost of innovation of seismic proportion.


If you are looking for the globally well known speakers – we will need to disappoint you. The innovative minds from tomorrow are not the heroes from yesterday. We also don’t want to list the same problems that one always hears and the same successes that we already know. We decided to give you insights from what is actually happening today and where it must lead to tomorrow. Join us on the ground and draw your own trajectory for the real tomorrow.

Startups from Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Vietnam are still invited to apply to present 




By Cafer Tosun, Alyssa King, Axel Schultze

Everyone from young to old, wants to know when this pandemic is going to be over. We need a plan to end Covid-19. There are many companies and researchers around the world working feverishly to find a cure. Some vaccines companies in various countries have started their clinical trial phases. It will be the fastest in history to enter the market for a vaccine. And yet there is no concrete plan when this will be. It might take one, two or more years. With KnockOut-19 we have started a campaign to end the Covid-19 pandemic in 19 weeks.

Campaign – KnockOut-19

Yes, in 19 weeks! In about 5 months this could be over. And it doesn’t take much. If everyone wore a mask. Covid-19 could be over, because there would be no host for the virus. With no host there will be no virus. It’s that simple. This is where we need you to support the campaign. The goal of the campaign is that we are faster in getting everyone to wear a mask than the virus can spread. We need you to join the campaign, wear a mask and ask your friends to do the same. If you get only 3 friends within a week to wear a mask, and your friends do the same, we could reach the entire world population of 7.8 Billion people in 19 weeks, based on pure math. And if everyone wears a mask it significantly reduces the probability of becoming infected with the coronavirus. The good thing is that this works even if it is a simple mask or a scarf, with which you cover your mouth and nose.

Probability of Contagion

Join the campaign KnockOut-19 by wearing a mask, give our Facebook site a like and ask 3 of your friends to do the same. By doing so you will create a chain which will be faster than the virus can spread, and the Covid-19 pandemic can be knocked out in 19 weeks’ timeframe. Hence the campaign name KnockOut-19. If everyone protects everyone else by wearing a mask the virus will have less chance to spread and may well disappear. See illustration Probability of Contagion.

Here is the message we want you to pass over to your friends:

“Wear a mask – keep a distance”
No host – no virus
Tell anybody you know – we will spread faster than the virus.
And ask them to like fb.com/kout19 to count supporters.


Wear a Mask

If you don’t have a mask. Don’t worry it is not difficult to make masks.  You can find more info about masks further below. Spread the word, be part of KnockOut-19! There are plenty of instructions on YouTube on how to make masks yourself. Some we have listed below. Share these with your friends.  Make sure your friends wear the masks and join the initiative too. In 19 weeks Covid19 could be knocked-out. Sounds too easy to be true. Give it a try and see what happens. You can make the difference.

Knockout-19 Timeline

Be part of the KnockOut-19 challenge! Take a picture with your friends wearing the mask and send it to the World Innovation Forum. As a token of appreciation, you will receive your electronic KnockOut-19 certificate from the World Innovation Forum.

World population 7.8 Billion as of May 2020: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

Wearing a mask might not protect you from getting infected, but it will protect others from becoming infected. Now, imagine if everyone wears a mask, then the spread of the virus can be stopped no one will be infected. And as a result, Covid-19 is knocked out and we save many lives!

Make sure you give the KnockOut-19 campaign a like on fb.com/kout19 to count the friends numbers.

Use Hashtag #kout19
Please use it on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, email, WhatsApp, messenger – anywhere.

Thank you for caring about your friends!

Masks and Terminology

While simply covering your mouth and nose will work to reduce the probability of becoming infected. There are various types of masks, which you might be interested to know about. Masks are available in various protection levels – called FFP with a number, i.e. FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3. FFP stands for filtering face piece. The numbering defines the various protection levels. The higher the number the higher the protection level. FFP3 has the highest level of protection. The equivalent in US for FFP2 masks are the N95, which is a comparable classification of air filtration. N95 means that it filters at least 95% of airborne particles. There are N99 and N100, where the number provides you with the efficiency of the mask, meaning the minimum percentage for filtering airborne particles.

Since there is global shortage for these types of masks and they should be primarily used by healthcare workers, you can use homemade masks too. That’s why some countries are hesitant asking the public to wear masks. They are afraid they’ll run out of masks for their healthcare workers. To avoid that you can find below some links and suggestions for how to make masks at home. Or just use a scarf or bandana to cover your mouth and nose.

Instructions on how to make masks yourself – Do it yourself (DIY) masks:










And many more instructions on YouTube!



What the World Innovations Forum asks you is: be creative and let the world know about your ideas and best practices to fight the pandemic.

Find out more about the initiative at: http://wiforum.org/innovate-fighting-pandemics/

Start participating in the conversation and join one of our dedicated groups:

LinkedIn Facebook

The World Innovation Forum provides you a platform to share, engage, accelerate the adoption and scale your innovation with its global network of innovative minds. Be part of the innovation acceleration to fight the pandemic.

Thank you!

The World Innovation Forum

PS: Do you want to be part of the team? It is a global initiative driven by volunteers around the world. It is a growing effort. We need more volunteers to work with us on the innovation acceleration initiative of the World Innovation Forum. If you are interested to support us with your time and network, please send us an email to innovate.fighting.pandemics@wiforum.org and include a few words about yourself and what you can contribute to the initiative.

The world is introduced to two more ways to be divided. In the past we divide between east and west, north and south, good and mediocre education, blue collar and white collar, religious and non religious and so forth. The digital divide has been discussed more on a local level and language divide is an almost none issue.

In just 4 months however, the digital divide became a global topic and the discussions around the language divide has moved from scientific and sociologic discussions to a global divide of English and Non-English speaking groups.


Politicians with less English language capabilities have less global insights in the virus development and take much longer to respond. Those, who are fluently speaking English have usually a faster response time, with a few exceptions. The German chancellor for instance explored all globally available date and decided with a very clear answer and very well educated. We see the late start but the radical results. And even within countries one can experience the divide based on language skills or the lack thereof.


Rapidly setup digital home office or not. Using conference calls or not. Business continuation plans or not. Staying connected or not. Remaining social or being isolated. What was “BAD” and having potentially long term negative impact –  all of a sudden became a social LIFE SAVER.

Even most stubborn businesses or governments rationalized that we are divided in two worlds: the digitally connected and the physically connected. One can switch behavior and work modi in an instant others not at all.

And we learned more: Those who work from home over a longer period of time, now either start working later and really sleep in – but are usually up later in the evening and vice versa. I realized getting emails from some people already at 6am, long before I usually be up and have even phone calls at 11pm because that is more like my time :) Funny – it not only doesn’t hurt – it actually makes life much more natural.Everybody can live their life by their inner clock. Did I mention daylight savings time? NO I actually get only disrupted by the change of my clock – but not my inner cycle.


Both together: the digital and the language divide are a powerful couple or a serious threat. When running innovation development programs with participants from literally around the world we realized a phenomenal effect: NO matter whether the participants are from Ghana, Vietnam, South Korea, California or Switzerland, the digitally literate and fluently English speaking attendees show no sign of any difference. Even not when one comes from one of the top universities and others from mid level education. Innovators seem to speak a universal language of fearlessness, creativity, curiosity and ambition.

In the end, all the good intention and experiments to bring more equality to the world, with at least moderate impact pushed a 0.3 micron small virus rapidly forward. Only time will tell the real impact past corona. For now the degree of unification however shows amazing progress.


The most successful startups in the world start with an amazing business idea. Even though the initial value of even the grandest idea is zero, it is the very moment that sets everything in motion and possibly changes the world – again.

I’m asked weekly the same questions in may different ways of course: “I want to start my own business, what would be a good business idea.” Years ago I had a rather gruffy answer: “Why do you want to start a business if you don’t know what to do – just because its trendy?” Over time I learned that there is a global urge for doing something more meaningful, more creative, more important and become the center of that meaning yourselves. And if that is the purpose – than people asking that question deserve a great answer.  Yet the question is essentially the same:

What can I do to be more meaningful in live. 

Interestingly enough, that question leads to a very different answer. It isn’t to look for a business that is in demand right now, or a business based on the persons education or expertise, or a business that may provide best and fastest return of investment. It isn’t a business category or type answer at all.

The better answer is to look where people have problems and finding solutions. Looking for people that are at risk and find ways to make their job less risky. Or people that do jobs they are not built for and helping find ways to match them. And the whole slew of problems from purified water, to better hygiene, to reducing energy consumption, energy storage, and the approximately millions of other ideas.

So you cannot start a new business with no business idea, it would not be a business. What you can do however is trying to solve a real problem, no matter how big and complex it may be.

AirBnB solved the problem that millions of traveler had, staying in a cozy with a full size refrigerator, a living room to meet with friend, where you can have breakfast whenever you like and a room to work that is more than is bigger than closet without booking a suite.

Uber solved the problem people had when using a taxi that you were never sure that it comes in time and it takes you the best way to your destination.

Space-X solved the problem that government driven space agencies have to build efficient rockets for commercial or private use.

Systec solved the problem of stranded shopping carts at large shopping centers by simply connecting all cars with a chain and releasing the cart by putting in a dollar or Euro or whatever currency and getting it back once the cart is returned.

Whether its a simply chain lock or a reusable space ship – and everything in between, solving real problems in a real simple way creates super successful businesses.

On aggregate there are millions of hours wasted every month my millions of people looking for an idea somebody else already had to copy. Instead of looking for problems nobody had solved yet. People my think they are not capable to solve problems, too weak to start something new, too inexperienced to come up with a radical shift, too “little” to do something valuable, have too less money to do something big. All of those fears are usually coming to mind when you are educated to be of no value, too stupid, to “little” too poore…. Than think about the other way like we put the question upside down: Are you too “little” to be helpful? And if that is hopefully a NO – than go solve whatever problem you identify to solve. Find co-founders to complement your skillset and collaborate for a purpose – nut for just running a business.

And if you are still not sure, study the most influential inventors of the past 10 years,  past 50 years or past 200 years. You will notice that most of them started with nothing, a lot of respect for the problem they are trying to solve and a ton of energy to never give up.

You may want to join our upcoming Idea Seeker webinar.
It’s on May 4th and part of the Knowledge Transfer series for young entrepreneurs.

All it takes: nothing but respect and energy :)

The super boys and girls never win – the humble, respectful and never quitting, always will. Go for it!


Innovate Fighting Pandemics – The power of us!

By Cafer Tosun, Jaideep Adhvaryu, Alyssa King, Axel Schultze  

The Coronavirus COVID-19 has brought our life globally to a halt. While all current measures are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading to most of the population, we must accelerate innovation to get our life back to normal and save people’s life. The virus is taking human life hour by hour. Time is critical and we must put our minds together to accelerate innovation on a global scale. The World Innovation Forum has taken the leadership to bring innovative minds throughout the world together to fight the pandemics. Since the virus doesn’t care about borders, we must do the same. We are stronger together. We are not bound to borders and can win faster when we collaborate. Currently, we see uncoordinated local leadership and no globally coordinated efforts to fight the pandemics. The measures are driven by the local outbreak numbers. And even worse countries are fighting over medical supplies. 

We already see many fantastic local innovations happening around the world to ease the situation and fight the pandemic. My favorite examples are when Italian engineers have turned scuba diving masks into ventilators to support hospitals. And published the how-to in a YouTube video to share with the rest of the world. Or when local breweries in Tampa switch from producing alcoholic beverages to produce hand Sanitzer, for which there is a huge demand. When South Korea has scaled testing the virus by setting up drive-thru clinics. And when car manufacturers stop production and produce medical supply to fight the Virus. The list can go on and you can be part of it!

More importantly, the innovation and out-of-box thinking is required not just in the medical sphere. We need impactful solutions and agile approaches to identify, communicate, respond, recover and repair communities  in near-real time speed and at global scale while optimizing limited knowledge, resources and people.

What the World Innovations Forum asks you is: be creative and let the world know about your ideas and best practices to fight the pandemic. 

Find out more about the initiative at: http://wiforum.org/innovate-fighting-pandemics/

The World Innovation Forum provides you a platform to share, engage, accelerate the adoption and scale your innovation with its global network of innovative minds. Be part of the innovation acceleration to fight the pandemic. We are stronger together!

Start participating in the conversation and join one of our dedicated groups: 

Thank you!

The World Innovation Forum

PS: Do you want to be part of the team? It is a global initiative driven by volunteers around the world. It is a growing effort. We need more volunteers to work with us on the innovation acceleration initiative of the World Innovation Forum. If you are interested to support us with your time and network, please send us an email at innovate.fighting.pandemics@wiforum.org and include a few words about yourself and what you can contribute to the initiative.


Let us celebrate all those excellent and innovative startup entrepreneurs from around the world!

In the last eight years, we had the pleasure, working with hundreds of startups, attended and organized entrepreneur events, saw more than 200 Startup Pitch Events, Demo Days, Techdays, Exhibitions across the globe. We have seen top talents in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Cambodia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Nepal, Switzerland, France, Germany, Japan, or South Korea, and we had guests in our events from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda or Mexico, Peru, Chile, and many other countries. 

Listening to more than 1000 Founders, who shared their ideas, concepts, and dreams, we learned a lot about one of the biggest challenges ALL ENTREPRENEURS have, no matter where they come from, “Reaching out to the world” and going global.

Hence we came up with the idea to acknowledge all entrepreneurs one day in all our busy lives and support them with sharing their innovative solutions. 

Let’s think about it: Everything we humans built, tables chairs, houses, tools, wells, knives, boats, cars, airplanes, lamps, ovens, all the way to the internet has been brought to market by entrepreneurs.

Give them a global round of applause on April 21.

And to make them hear it, we all could do a few easy things:

Let’s use the hashtag #widay for World Innovations Day

  • Post about your favorite entrepreneur in your neighborhood #widay
  • Or share cool stories from your friends #widay
  • If you know about any great startup in your town, share their story #widay
  • Somebody with a promising concept of how to deal with corona – share it #widay
  • You know somebody with a bright idea that did not get through – it was worth trying. Failure is nothing bad. #widay

Share it – lets spread the word about Innovations with the #widay hashtag – and join our group on Facebook

Let us know if you have a great blog post; we can syndicate your post on the #widay dedicated blog at the World Innovations Forum. 

The 7 virtues of idea validation

  1. The absolute very first people you go to, are your potential customers. Listen very carefully what they say.
  2. Never ever fear that anybody can “steal” your idea. This is a myth that seem to never go away under first time entrepreneurs. That fear, by the way, is the no.1 reason why millions of great ideas vanish away and never see the light of day. Don’t bother your future clients with NDAs or other legal confrontation. This makes no sense.
  3. Interview your target audience BEFORE you spend a single penny or minute in prototyping or writing your first lines of code. Everything you do prior to speaking with them is pre-conditioning your thoughts. That bears the risk that you may start arguing with your contact.
  4. Structure the interview around 3 strategically craft questions:
    a) “How would the proposed idea help you?” Let them tell you their possible story, don’t “sell” your idea.
    b) “If you would build it, what would you charge, where would you see a good price point”. Find out what value they see.
    c) “What would you do 9 month later, if I would tell you the product is no longer available. What would be your alternative?” Find out if you have just a nice to have or it would be a serious problem when your idea is not maturing.
  5. Put yourself in a state of “very awake meditation”. Meaning you are hyper carefully listen, you never argue even a tiny bit, and you document not only what they say but also the emotions you noticed. Consider yourself an emotionless AI based Robot. When they don’t get what you say, make a note and trim your presentation.
  6. Don’t ever bother ‘potential customers’ with any type of faceless survey.
  7. Make sure you speak with at least 42 people. That number is important:
    – it has some undocumented statistical value
    – it forces you to find enough potential customers to start with
    – if you find only less than 42, it indicates that it will never warrant a business
    – you get the necessary feedback to decide your MVP functionality
    – it helps you understand how much time you spend to find, reach and talk with your audience – first indication for customer acquisition cost.
    – if you can’t get at least 20 positive feedbacks, continue until you have 20,

This is called idea & first market validation and is a key process in every top notch startup – BEFORE it was a real startup.

Most people just go and run. They fail but fail far later and have a 90% failure rate. Even though every startup entrepreneur today knows, that they ave only a 10% chance to win, they are sloppy right out of the gate :)

I get about 5 questions like that every day. And since I’m rather lazy, I wrote this post :)

Hope it’s helpful.



In 2020 we will be bringing latest innovation techniques into emerging countries.

Innovative youth from emerging nations will dominate by 2038

In our quest to bring emerging / developing nations on eye-level with the developed world, we are inspiring the youth to engage in an entrepreneurial career. We help them understand what it means to be an entrepreneur, what it takes to build a company and what to consider growing and scaling such an enterprise. The investment in education in developing countries has been phenomenal. Now we need to help talented entrepreneurs to build businesses that creates massive amount of jobs to absorb the approximately 1 billion graduates that leave their Universities in the next few years. The young generation in Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya or Nepal, Cambodia, Laos, Myanma, Vietnam, Indonesia or South Korea is eager to stand on their own feed and build a business of their own. In the next 20 years we expect the number of startups to be more than 100 times as big as in developed nations and the successful enterprises arising of that group 10 times as many as in the “west”. The “High Potential” nations represent a combined population of 4.5 billion, a market 15 times as big as the United States.

Embracing Latest Innovation Design Techniques

The founders of the World Innovations Forum Foundation have been innovative serial entrepreneurs and built multiple disruptive companies themselves. After forming a series of methods, techniques and tools, they help entrepreneurs in emerging countries to become deeply innovative and create disruptive businesses. “The only way to get developing countries on eye-level with developed nations is extreme innovation.” said Axel Schultze. The toolbox for Innovation Design includes several methods to stimulate innovative thinking, tools such as innovation process specific canvases and techniques to break down social, cultural or mental barriers to unleash the natural creativity homo sapiens has. Trainings, workshops and tools are provided for talented entrepreneurs to bring unique and disruptive ideas to live. Then shaping those ideas into business concepts, attracting top talents, building stellar teams, validating the ideas with the market they are addressing, building prototypes, re-evaluating the solution, pre-sale prototypes and raise capital to scale the businesses to global enterprises. The speed of the mobile market growth in Africa or the social selling market in Asia is a good indication of the markets ability to scale extremely fast.

Seeding Innovation 2020

The initiative “Seeding Innovation” leverages obviously innovation itself to bring out the ‘seeds’. The global and local hybrid effort is accelerating education and execution in those startups beyond any other method.

  • Webinars combined with local discussen rounds
  • Innovation Design Education based on latest neuroscience discoveries
  • Online workshops with local guidance
  • Hands on innovation development with weekly update meetings
  • Remote mentorship augmented with local mentors
  • Foreign capital supporting or matching local investors
  • Global resources working with the local ecosystems

The stream of support and the organization model, how support is provided, is empowering teams for fast executing, lowest cost involved and highest impact as outcome. This is not an experiment but a proven technique we successfully used now for 5 years. Unlike most development aid that is focusing on micro businesses, we are focusing exclusively on building major companies – because only they can hire thousands of employees.

Amazing Ideas are evolving

From our recent accelerator programs amazing ideas emerged. A company from Cambodia developing an end to end ecommerce return operation. Returns has been the biggest challenge for e-commerce shops around the globe.  And they developed a highly innovative unique solution which will create thousands of jobs and contribute to the Cambodian GDP. Another great concept is currently evolving in South Korea, working on an innovative way to reduce Food Waste. They are currently adding hundreds of vendors per week and add thousands of consumers. Yet another innovative business in Vietnam is working on the next generation business communication for enterprises, making the intra company communication far easier. A Nepal based robotics company is merging robotics and AI in a way that it solves information collection in an innovative way and already began to export their robots even to the US. While all these companies are startups and under the radar of the global economy. They will grow as fast as any Silicon Valley company and be in the spotlight by 2025 – but by the hundreds.

Unfold innovations from the emerging world

Innovation is not just creating ideas. The value of even the most innovative concept is absolutely zero. Innovation is making the idea a reality, and most importantly making that reality available to millions of people. Idea is only the first step in an entire innovations paradigm. Seeding innovation means seeding the whole concept of a full circle process from idea to global markets, the understanding how to create repeatedly innovative and sustainable solutions and the strategies to reach global markets. Combined with a unified investment power from global investors will unfold an innovation stream over the next 20 years that we have not seen before.


2nd Global World Innovations Forum, Digital Conference

We are living in a world where Co² emission, energy consumption and major travel expenses are highly sensitive topics. We are also living in a digital age where connections are made through networks, people learn to “read” the digital body language and adapt to a digital experience. All good reasons for moving even major major conferences into the digital space.

What can you expect:

  • 3-DAY EVENT – 3 1/2 hours each day, packed with keynotes, discussions, technology introductions and more
  • LIVE – The whole conference is streamed life
  • NETWORKING – of course networking is a key aspect of any event. Digitally it will be even better.
  • PUBLIC VIEWING – Local public viewing in at least 10 countries, connect locally, experience globally
  • INNOVATIVE STARTUPS – Contest winners from Africa and South East Asia present – hold your breath
  • GLOBAL INVESTOR DISCUSSIONS – a network of global investors investing in fast growing businesses
  • ECOSYSTEMS – some super innovation ecosystems dwarf what is created in the west
  • MULTI LAYER INNOVATION – learn about the various facets of innovation, products, processes, business models and more.

June 23 – 25 we will conduct our second World Innovations Forum Digital. We expect approximately 1,000 attendees from around the world online or joining local public viewing sessions. No CO² emission, no travel, no expenses, but top speakers, great interaction, lots to learn and lots to share. And yes, networking as well – digitally. More information will be released at the beginning of March, so check back regularly for updates.

Our online conference experience

After an amazing experience in 2018, where we launched the World Innovations Forum with a global online event, we promised to continue in a two years rhythm.

Our 2018, approximately 500 attendees joined us from 41 countries: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, El  Salvador, Germany, Ghana,  Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macedonia,  Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria,  Mexico, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland,  Taiwan, Ukraine, United kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.

A new dimension in high tech conferences

There was never any innovation conference on a global scale run all online over multiple days. If you would come from Hanoi, Lagos, Helsinki, Shanghai or Kathmandu to us in Zürich, it would take more than twice of your time, would cost you easily $2,000 travel alone, the cost for putting the show together would end up in a $1,000 to $5,000 entry ticket and the environmental payload would be mind boggling when 1,000 people fly in.

Of course, in a physical event, it is different when you sit in a ball room together with 1,000 people and discuss what you heard, exchange business cards, reconnect after the conference and so forth. But why not do the same digitally? We prepare the infrastructure to meet all attendees in our digital forum. There you can follow them, connect with them, chat online and re-connect after the conference.

A big Thank you to all WIForum Ambassadors, Team members, Advisors, CoWorking Spaces, Volunteers, Community Members, Country Representatives and helping hands We couldn’t be more thankful for every one of you in the big WIF family. Without your knowledge, inputs, generosity, and helping hands, we could not realize the vision of a world where prosperity is possible in all nations, through innovation and entrepreneurship – created within each country.

About doing good

Happy Birthday, World Innovations Forum! February 28, 2019 the foundation was registered with the vision to help nations become prosper through their own way of unfolding the power of innovation and entrepreneurship.

NOTE: everything that follows is through the lens of “economic development”. We are not talking about support organizations in disaster areas, humanitarian aid for health care, victims of war and so forth. Because the purpose of our organization is eradicating poverty, hunger and inequality by creating prosperity through innovation and entrepreneurship, similar to how developed nations evolved.

During our learning curve, we noticed that about US$4.7 trillion has been invested in the past 50 years in economic development. We also learned that the majority of people have not been very excited about the results. Initially, we looked at what other NGOs are doing and tried to blend in. That was a bad idea. Then we tried to find a balance between our entrepreneurial for-profit business with processes and mechanisms from non-profit organizations. It was no better. We read annual reports from similar organizations and realized that many just try very hard to be a good NGO. And a good “active” NGO is an organization that does exactly what a “giver” organization is looking for. Those giver organizations actually decide what active NGOs have to do in order to get funds. Well formulated goals, packed with keywords like “inclusion”, “climate”, “sustainability”, “equality”, “impact”, “social”, “approach”, “reporting”, “jobs created within 12 months”, “project run time 24 month” and so forth. We quickly recognized that instead of looking for funding for our unique concepts, we need to be a service organization for those who provide projects based on their research and desires of their donors. It’s a highly organized, massively structured multi-billion dollar operation. Active NGOs are super busy filing proposals for project requests, making sure they have the resources and a track record that indicates that the respective organization fulfilled the expectation of the giver organization in the past. To simplify the model, it’s a 4 tier monetary distribution structure: Donor – Distributor – Implementer – Beneficiary. This made NGOs more transparent, more efficient, more operational savvy, more trustworthy than ever before. And all have one common objective: HELPING those who are in need. This looks like a great model with little to no waste of money and the donations are really impact-focused. The first big question we had to answer: Are we willing to become an executing service organization for other NGOs. It was not exactly what we had in mind when we started. But we know, there is more to learn.

The receiver side

From day one till now, we decided to work on the ground. So when we visited countries and worked with young entrepreneurs or those who want to become one, we feel the heartbeat and learn how we can support them best. Amazingly, we experienced a warm welcome from entrepreneurs. We realized they rarely an opportunity to speak with experienced entrepreneurs from other countries. When we talked to local co-working spaces, accelerators and investors, we experienced a much more critical position. “What is your plan, what is your approach, what do you want to do?” our answer was always the same: “We have no plan, there is no approach, we don’t know what we will do. You will tell us how we can be helpful and we see what we can do”. We experienced an amazing transformation from a polite and professional welcome to a warm and friendly ‘love to hear your story’. Over time we heard lots of stories about support organization. To sum it up and make a narrative: “They come here, have a clear plan, based on what their sponsors tell them to do, execute “their plan”, make a lot of stirrup, then come with a team of professional photographers and camera men where everybody smiles, write reports and go back home to hunt for the next round of funding. We appreciate the help but often times it’s just too much work for us with no progress at all”. So why do you do that? we asked. Answer: We are not in a position to say no. Again, our own position was up for discussion: Are we in a position to say no and follow our own entrepreneurial instincts? So far we met and spoke with roughly 1,000 entrepreneurs and startups from a variety of countries including Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Peru, and a few others. We met with about 50 investors and investor networks, more than 50 co-working spaces, universities other enablers and with several leading politicians in various capacities. We ran two accelerator programs and a series of entrepreneurs workshops. The feedback was inspiring and moving.

The big drivers, and why innovation is zero

Who drives the Trillion $ aid industry?
Governments need to balance out between public interest (tax payer money), national interest, and economic interest. So the donations are split into goals and objectives to balance the various interests, invested in countries that have a positive impact also back to the donating country. What they don’t DO is give money to those who work on the helper front. Nothing wrong with it, I believe, but good to know.
Individual Donors from average worker to ultra-wealthy billionaires. They usually can’t do anything themselves but feel the responsibility and donate from $1 to $1 billion and everything in between to help others. The most amazing aspects are 1) the gigantic amount of money that is aggregated so that we are close to actually really help everybody on earth and 2) how humans demonstrate an ability to organize themselves, their capital on a global scale almost seamlessly.
Corporate Donors from the developed world who either simply want to do good, or want to expand their business, access markets, identify new opportunities or any combination thereof. They either invest themselves or invest through those larger giver NGOs with clear goals.
Massive Giver NGOs with multi-billion $ portfolios who are extremely powerful, yet need to balance the interest of their donors, the political and geopolitical landscape, the overall trends like equality, climate etc., and make sure that the feedback from the “market” (the receiver or beneficiary) is positive and that the overhead to use the donations most effectively is tiny. They have come along way from: “most of the money is evaporating – like in the 1950’s “, to: “most of the money is actually invested in the causes and hit the space it is designated for – like today in the 2000’s”.
Operating Non-Profit Organizations with crystal clear designed requests from giver organization: what to do, where to do, how to do, how much budget is involved and the date they have to complete the task, It’s typically a 1, 2 or 4-year program.
Local Organizations, in the countries with the order to execute the plan they get from the Operating NGOs, funded by the big giver NGOs, with the donations from the individual or corporate sponsors. They have practically no flexibility and simply execute for the money they receive, in the way to program is structured. The sense for what’s needed on the ground is deteriorating and so is the true impact. The price for efficiency is in the end extremely high – non-profit or for-profit pay with the inability to innovate.


The disconnect between donations and real help is growing. Over the holidays 2019/2020 we felt that we either find a radically different model or freeze the operation until somebody else is coming up with a better idea. Since no model was in sight and we experienced the deep frustration from other organizations, we decided to use our own innovation design techniques to explore alternative ways. As a first step, we disconnected ourselves from the conventional NGO space in favor of the actual beneficiaries we live for. The goal is to overcome the problematic “disconnect” from the group of people we want to help and find a modus operandi to finance the organization in a different way. With that we did a few things that should help us think on different levels:
1) We removed the term NGO from our entire communication.
2) We made sure that – no matter what we do – we do not lose sight of our original vision.
3) We started to use our own model of innovative thinking to develop services and business models that make sense.
4) We crafted a whole new business model and will share details once it is more mature.
5) We accepted the risk, that by disrupting ourselves, we will lose most funding opportunities.
6) We decided to build partnerships with those who believe in the concept of a collective intellect, where 1+1 is more than 2.
We will publicly share our experience here on our blog for anybody who is interested in alternative business models and operations for their economic development focused non-profit organization.
7) In no way, we are disrespecting those on whose shoulders we are about to step. The evolution from random donation into random help organizations towards a more controlled and operation was of utmost importance for aggregating the capital to help with large scale projects. Yet the economy of scale as an optimum, not a maximum.

The New Model

  1. We focus everything we do on the target audience, the beneficiary, in our case the entrepreneurs. We also work intensely in collaboration with an enabler, people from co-working spaces, investors, mentors, universities who support the entrepreneurship development.
  2. We work with partners who buy into our vision, strategy, modus operandi, and business model. We are not available as a service resource for other organizations like we would not be a white-label manufacturer if we would be an enterprise.
  3. The business model we created is value-based like in any economic model. We feel that impact measurement will never be seriously acceptable to measure the value one provided. We expect each service having a value that can be charged that even the poorest can pay for. And if the beneficiary is only interested in our work if it is for free, we know there is no value and that would also indicate no impact. For instance in countries where people live off of $1 a day and need all their $30 to survive, we may still ask for 3 cent for our work, also in part to provide economic thinking. Since that would not cover our cost, we are still depending on donations and sponsorship. But those are not to help provide free work but to match and add to value for the beneficiaries.
  4. There are other activities like awareness creation and not directly monetizable activities. For these we look for sponsors like in any industry situation. If nobody is interested in supporting the awareness creation we may still receive donations, otherwise, our awareness campaign will just be very rudimentary. And that is OK.

There are more elements we are working on but for now, that is our alternative model for innovative non-profit organizations.

Next Steps

1) We believe in innovation on all levels – also for organization models.
2) Connecting with a like-minded organization to think together is part of our next steps.
3) After learning, entrepreneurship is the mother of all prosperity, we will continue with that very model.
4) Our focus is exclusively on our work on the ground in the countries and support from those who think alike.
5) We will look or partnerships in the spirit of SDG 17 as we believe there is no NGO big enough to solve the world’s problems alone
6) Innovation in the NGO space is not only an organizational necessity but paramount to actually fulfill our goals.