Global Space for Innovative Minds


Supporting and strengthening the innovation capabilities in all countries, especially in emerging and developing countries. Improving the entrepreneurial abilities and ability to produce within the respective countries to enhance a country’s global competitiveness. Creating jobs, ensuring equality for local talents, offering research projects, market research, educational measures, development programs, mentorship, initiatives to stimulate markets, and possibly technological support if desired.

Förderung und Stärkung der Innovationskraft aller Länder, insbesondere der Schwellenländer; Verbesserung der unternehmerischen Leistung und Produktionsfähigkeit im jeweiligen Land durch gesteigerte Innovationskraft; Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen; Sicherstellung der Chancengleichheit für lokale Talente; Anbietung von Forschungsprojekten, Marktuntersuchungen, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmassnahmen, Entwicklungsprogrammen, Mentorships, Initiativen zur Stimulation der Märkte und gegebenenfalls auch technologischer Hilfe.

A Purpose Driven Engagement:

Even the strongest country in the world can only reach its maximum potential if every country has reached theirs. Exploitation, colonialism, no matter in what form, unfair business practices, can only delay the reach of the maximum potential. 8 Billion well-educated, motivated, and inspired people, eager to make the world a better place would outperform the achievements of a small elite of a few hundred Million within 48 hours. And 25 Billion would be barely enough to bring us to other planets one day.


– Inspiration for large-scale innovations.
– Circles for all areas of innovation
– A space to think beyond most imaginations
– A space to make extreme imaginations a reality
– A digital platform to for location independent exchange.
– Giving the innovation industry a voice.
– Exchange, Networking,
Events, and Research

We may have infinite dreams, but their true value comes from making it happen.


At the World Innovations Forum, we practice openness, transparency, tolerance, and specialization. No problem is too big, no solution too bold, and no idea too crazy. If one can think of it, they can create it. We don’t need devil’s advocates and negativity to thrive.

About WIForum

The Swiss-based World Innovations Forum Foundation aims to connect innovative minds worldwide to exchange ideas, challenges and solutions. WIForum is the voice of ingenious people and those who want to become one.

Members collaborate on workshops, events, and programs that drive the innovation economy no matter in which country or society. As a member, you will benefit from contributing or participating in topics including innovation leadership, innovation creation, innovation financing, innovation talent development, innovation’s legal aspects, innovation services, innovation media, and innovation relevant policies.

The member-driven organization facilitates dialogues, discussions, meetings, and exchanges among innovative minds worldwide, online and on-site.

Sustainable Innovation

Innovation has a potential risk of harming our environment and even the most well meant project may harm us at a later stage. To achieve “Sustainable Innovation”, innovation needs to check future impacts already in its development phase. Modern innovation management strategies should include measures and strategies for sustainable innovation processes and think through the various future risks and permutations of innovation that may unfold a risk later. Members are asked to contribute to the Sustainable Innovation Dialog and corresponding commitments.

About WIForum and SDG 9 Support

We are supporting SDG no.9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

About WIForum