Unique Space For Innovative Minds

Jointly ensuring sustainable innovation for the generations to come.

World Innovations Forum Foundation

World Innovations Forum Foundation

What we do

We embrace ingenuity as one of the most precious abilities of humankind. 

We facilitate a global exchange for all WIForum members through meetings, events, and community forums. We do not produce, consult or service. Topics include

  • Artificial Intelligence related innovation and transformation.
  • Human Intelligence Augmentation
  • Human Consciousness Augmentation
  • Strengthening human cognition
  • AI servicing humanity
  • Neuroscience and AI

We embrace Artificial Intelligence as one of the most significant innovations and as a tool that will help humans augment its creativity and ingenuity. Yet it may become the biggest change humanity ever experienced.

Artificial Intelligence


AI is one of our core topics since 2023 and we will expand on it in 2024. The values and risks of AI are controversially discussed. Theoretic functionality and technical feasibility like creation of artificial consciousness is only one topic where countless debates unfolded. Only time will tell – but we all need to be well informed and develop a balance between reality and fiction.

WIF10 Accelerator
World Innovations Forum Foundation

World Innovations Forum Foundation – Events

By members for members

The future is the only timeframe we can influence. When innovative minds come together and discuss their visions, their market insights, and understand the megatrends, they can envision the future.

Members only

Joining the World Innovations Forum Foundation and having an opportunity to collaborate with amazing people is why the forum was created. Making the impossible a reality is its spirit. World Innovations Forum Members are innovation thought leaders from any industry, any country, and any trade.

World Innovations Forum’s global exchange

World Innovations Forum Foundation Partners

Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Supporting A global space for innovative minds
Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Partner of the World Innovations Forum