Deglobalisation, broadly defined as a reduction in the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries through trade, investment, and other forms of international cooperation, can have both positive and negative impacts on innovation. The effects depend on the specific context, policies, and the extent of the deglobalisation itself. Here are some potential impacts:

Positive Impacts on Innovation

  1. Localised Innovation: Reduced reliance on global supply chains and increased focus on local production may encourage innovation at the local level. Companies might invest more in research and development to meet domestic demand.
  2. National Innovation Prioritisation: Governments may prioritise domestic innovation to reduce dependence on foreign technologies. This could lead to increased funding for research and development in strategic industries.
  3. Protection of Intellectual Property: Some argue that deglobalisation may help protect intellectual property rights, providing stronger incentives for companies to invest in innovation without fear of rapid imitation by foreign competitors.
  4. Increased Competition: Reduced international competition could encourage domestic industries to innovate to maintain or gain a competitive edge in the absence of external rivals.

Negative Impacts on Innovation

  1. Reduced Knowledge Transfer: Globalisation facilitates the flow of ideas, knowledge, and skills across borders. A decline in international collaboration and exchange may limit the diversity of perspectives and hinder the transfer of cutting-edge technologies.
  2. Limited Access to Global Talent: Restrictions on immigration and the movement of skilled workers could limit the talent pool available to companies and research institutions. A diverse workforce often contributes to innovative thinking.
  3. Supply Chain Disruptions: Over-reliance on local production may lead to vulnerabilities in supply chains. Innovation often involves access to a variety of resources, and disruptions in the supply chain may impede the development of new technologies.
  4. Market Constraints: Deglobalisation might lead to smaller markets for companies, limiting their potential for growth and reducing the incentives for innovation. Larger markets often provide more opportunities for scaling up and recouping research and development investments.
  5. Limited Access to Global Markets: For industries that thrive on global markets, such as technology and pharmaceuticals, reduced access to international consumers can hamper economies of scale and slow down innovation.
  6. Reduced Collaborative Research: Many breakthroughs in science and technology result from collaborative efforts across borders. Deglobalisation may hinder international cooperation in research and development.

Overall, the impact of deglobalisation on innovation is complex and context-dependent. While some aspects of deglobalisation may encourage localised innovation and protection of domestic industries, the potential negative effects on knowledge transfer, talent mobility, and market access should also be considered. A balanced approach that encourages innovation while addressing potential drawbacks is crucial for navigating the challenges associated with deglobalisation.

Immigration can have a significant impact on a country’s innovation strength, both positive and negative. The impact largely depends on the policies, circumstances, and characteristics of the host country and the immigrants themselves. Here are some of the key ways in which immigration can influence a country’s innovation capacity:

  1. Diverse Talent Pool: Immigration can bring in a diverse pool of talent, often including individuals with different skill sets, educational backgrounds, and experiences. This diversity can enhance a country’s innovation strength by introducing new perspectives and ideas, leading to more innovative solutions to complex problems.
  2. Knowledge Transfer: Immigrants may bring knowledge, skills, and technologies from their home countries, contributing to the transfer of technology and knowledge spillover. This knowledge transfer can lead to advancements in various fields and industries.
  3. Entrepreneurship: Immigrants are often more likely to start businesses and become entrepreneurs, which can lead to the creation of new products, services, and technologies. Many successful companies and startups have been founded by immigrants, shaping a country’s innovation ecosystem.
  4. Research and Development: Immigrants can strengthen a country’s research and development (R&D) efforts by working in universities, research institutions, and private sector companies. They may also collaborate with local researchers, leading to increased R&D output and innovation.
  5. Cultural Exchange: The mixing of cultures and ideas that often accompanies immigration can stimulate creativity and innovation. Cultural diversity can lead to unique approaches to problem-solving and the development of novel products or services.
  6. Labor Force Growth: Immigration can help address labor shortages in industries that require specific skills. A larger, skilled labor force can drive economic growth and innovation in these sectors.
  7. Global Networks: Immigrants often maintain connections with their home countries, creating opportunities for international collaboration and partnerships. These connections can lead to access of global markets and resources, fostering innovation.

However, it’s important to note that the impact of immigration on innovation is not always straightforward, and there can be challenges and potential negative effects as well:

  1. Integration Challenges: The successful integration of immigrants into the host country’s society and workforce is crucial. Language barriers, discrimination, and other integration challenges can hinder their ability to contribute to innovation.
  2. Brain Drain: In some cases, immigration can lead to a “brain drain” in the source countries, where highly skilled individuals leave for opportunities abroad. This can have a negative impact on the source country’s own innovation capacity.
  3. Competition for Jobs: The perception that immigrants may compete with native workers for jobs can lead to political and social tensions, potentially undermining support for immigration policies that promote innovation.
  4. Legal and Policy Issues: Government policies and regulations, including those related to immigration, can either support or hinder innovation. Clear and fair immigration policies that attract and retain top talent are crucial for innovation success.

In conclusion, immigration can have a significant impact on a country’s innovation strength, and its effects are multifaceted. When managed effectively, immigration can enhance a nation’s innovation capacity by bringing in talent, knowledge, and entrepreneurial energy. However, it requires careful policy consideration and investment in integration and support systems to maximise the positive impacts of immigration on innovation. Key for success is without any doubt a strong focus on integration from all sides – immigrants and those welcoming and integrating.

Join the BlueCallom Team at the Swiss Innovation Forum 2023

On the brisk morning of November 30th, Basel will not just awaken to the usual calm of the Rhine’s flow or the distant Jura Mountains’ silhouette. It will stir the pulse of innovation at the Swiss Innovation Forum exhibition with BlueCallom stepping beyond the bounds of the conventional, into a realm where neuroscience and artificial intelligence converge to unveil a new era of Human Intelligence Augmentation.

The BlueCallom team invites you to witness this revelation with BlueCallom’s  “Neuro-AI-Fusion” application in action. Imagine a world where the mind and machine meet, not with the invasiveness of yesterday’s science fiction but through a connection as seamless as thought itself.

This isn’t just a glimpse into the future; it’s a stride into a reality where drilling into the human skull to unlock the brain’s potential is a mere echo of the past.

What Awaits You in Basel at the Swiss Innovation Forum from BlueCallom?

1) The Essence of Disruption: Dive into the mechanics of generative AI and discover how today’s innovation isn’t just a stroke of genius but a repeatable process. What does it take to construct the next industry titan? How do we craft a team poised for breakthroughs? BlueCallom answers these questions, unraveling the layers of intelligence that power innovative minds.

2) Transformative Trajectories: Your journey through the business landscape is about to get a quantum leap with AI. Regardless of your industry, witness how operational efficiency can soar to unprecedented heights. We’re talking about a transformation that reshapes everything from market research to ideation to decision-making, all while significantly cutting costs.

3) Meet the Visionaries: Amidst the exchange of ideas, BlueCallom’s CEO, Axel Schultze, will take the stage, delving into the intricacies of “Human Intelligent Augmentation.”

4) A Union of Minds and Sectors: Sponsored by NZZ Connect and many innovation companies,  the forum is not just an event; it’s a tradition of excellence.  It’s where the innovative spirit is celebrated and nurtured, fostering collaborations that transcend industries.

Join us at the nexus of business and science, where thought leaders and changemakers gather. Let’s converge, converse, and catalyze the next wave of innovation together.

Looking forward to meeting with you at our booth or on the floor space. Let us compare notes and exchanges about the future, the present, and what we could do together.

Register here:


The term “Bio Revolution” typically refers to a significant and transformative shift in agriculture and food production, driven by innovations in biological science and biotechnology. It encompasses a range of developments that aim to improve crop yields, increase the efficiency of food production, and address various challenges in agriculture and the food industry. The importance of the Bio Revolution lies in its potential to address several critical challenges and drive positive change in various domains, primarily in agriculture and food production. Some key aspects of the Bio Revolution innovation include:

  1. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Genetic engineering allows scientists to modify the DNA of crops and livestock to enhance desirable traits such as resistance to pests and diseases, increased productivity, and improved nutritional content.
  2. Precision Agriculture: The use of technology, data analytics, and sensors to optimise farming practices, including precise planting, fertilisation, and irrigation, leads to more efficient resource usage and improved yields.
  3. Biotechnology and Crop Improvement: Advancements in biotechnology have led to the development of new crop varieties with improved traits, such as drought tolerance, disease resistance, and nutritional enhancements.
  4. Synthetic Biology: This field involves designing and constructing biological components and systems to create new organisms or modify existing ones for specific purposes, such as biofuel production or pharmaceuticals.
  5. Agricultural Robotics: The use of automation and robotics in farming, including autonomous tractors, drones, and robotic harvesters, increases efficiency and reduces labor requirements.
  6. Sustainable Agriculture: Innovations in sustainable farming practices reduce environmental impact, such as no-till farming, organic farming, and agroecology.
  7. Alternative Protein Sources: The development of alternative protein sources, including plant-based proteins and cultured or lab-grown meat, address the environmental and ethical concerns associated with traditional livestock farming.
  8. Biodegradable Packaging: The development of eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging materials reduce plastic waste in the food industry.

In summary, “Bio Revolution” is driven by the need to feed a growing global population while minimising the environmental impact of agriculture. It has the potential to improve food security, reduce resource consumption, and promote sustainability in the food and agriculture sectors. However, it also raises ethical and safety concerns, which require careful consideration and regulation.

Identifying and keeping up with innovation trends is of paramount importance for individuals, businesses, and organisations for several reasons:

  1. Competitive Advantage: Staying informed about innovation trends allows businesses to gain a competitive edge. They can proactively develop and implement new strategies, products, or services before their competitors, giving them a first-mover advantage.
  2. Market Relevance: Understanding innovation trends ensures that businesses remain relevant to their target audience. It helps them align their offerings with the changing needs and preferences of customers.
  3. Profitability: Innovations often lead to cost reductions, efficiency improvements, and revenue increases. Organisations that embrace innovation trends can enhance their profitability and financial performance.
  4. Risk Mitigation: By being aware of trends, businesses can anticipate potential risks and challenges associated with changes in technology, regulations, or market dynamics. This allows for better risk management and adaptation.
  5. Customer Satisfaction: Innovation trends often align with enhanced customer experiences. Meeting these trends can result in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  6. Talent Attraction and Retention: Innovative organisations tend to attract top talent. Being at the forefront of innovation makes a company an appealing place to work for individuals who want to be part of cutting-edge developments.
  7. Adaptability: Businesses that monitor innovation trends are more adaptable to change. They can pivot quickly in response to unexpected disruptions or shifts in the market.
  8. Efficiency and Productivity: Innovation trends can lead to more efficient and productive business processes. This can result in cost savings and higher output with the same or even fewer resources.
  9. Market Expansion: Understanding innovation trends can open doors to new markets and customer segments. Businesses can identify opportunities to expand their reach or diversify their offerings.
  10. Long-Term Sustainability: Staying ahead of innovation trends is essential for long-term sustainability. Companies that fail to innovate are at risk of becoming obsolete in rapidly evolving industries.
  11. Partnerships and Collaborations: Organisations that are knowledgeable about innovation trends can seek strategic partnerships or collaborations with other innovative entities, enhancing their capabilities and reach.
  12. Regulatory Compliance: Innovations often have implications for regulations and compliance requirements. Staying informed about innovation trends helps organisations adapt to and comply with evolving regulations.
  13. Environmental and Social Responsibility: Innovation trends may include sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. Embracing these trends can lead to positive environmental and societal impacts.
  14. Brand Image and Reputation: Being associated with innovative practices can boost a company’s brand image and reputation, attracting a larger customer base and potential investors.
  15. Personal Growth and Development: On an individual level, staying informed about innovation trends can lead to personal growth and development, opening up new career opportunities and skill development.

Innovation trends can emerge from various sectors, including technology, sustainability, healthcare, and more. To effectively leverage innovation trends, individuals and organisations should invest in continuous learning, research, and networking. They can also utilise resources like industry reports, conferences, and innovation incubators to stay knowledgeable and position themselves for success in their respective fields.

Nowadays, companies with a clear view on the importance of innovation work with AI supported tools such as to systematically stimulate and optimise “idea finding” and continuously follow up on innovation trends.

In 2019, I was asked on Quora, “What are some jobs that will disappear in the next 20 years due to automation & artificial intelligence?” On and off we discussed that question and I still get alerts when this answer has been shared. Then we decided to make Jobs gone by 2040 a project. It is probably a good idea to make this a running record and see how the prediction changes over time as we get closer to 2040.

Here are the most obvious jobs that will disappear in the next 20 years. Then 10 years later the list more than doubled – we are still working on it.

Obviously, this list is a “guestimation” based on current, not quite completed research we are currently conducting. Globally it’s about 100 Million+ jobs that will phase out and no longer get hired for. It assumes that it will take more than 20 years to make robots so advanced that they are good enough to replace most work we do today. That would grow the number to about a billion jobs. AI-driven Autonomous Machines will not need any humans to operate them. So the number of ‘new’ jobs is very slim. But see the possible options below.

‘*’ will probably not completely disappear but still, experience a dramatic reduction by more than 75%.
‘**” will profoundly change


– Accountant
– Administrator *
– Air traffic controller *
– Aircraft cargo handler
– All repeatable task worker
– Ambulance driver  [*]  2023
– Archivist *
– Architectural drafter
– ATM Service Specialist
– Automotive mechanic ** (2023)
– Auxiliary equipment operator *
– Bakers for mass production
– Bank accountant *
– Bank risk analyst
– Bank tellers
– Bindery workers and operator
– Bookbinder *
– Bookkeeper *
– Bus driver * (2023)
– Business analyst ** (2023)
– Call center service employee
– Cashier, in stores or supermarkets
– Claims examiner
– Clerk
– Computer technician
– Court reporter/dictation
– Credit analyst
– Credit checker
– Data entry worker
– Dispatcher
– Engineering designer *
– Financial controller assistant
– General office worker
– Human resource specialist *
– Industrial model maker *
– Industrial prototype builder **
– Inside sales
– Insurance case analyst
– Interpreter
– Medical transcriptionist
– Motor vehicle inspectors *
– Optometrists
– Order clerks
– Outbound marketing
– Outbound sales
– Packer
– Postal service clerk
– Real Estate Broker *
– Receptionist **
– Sales clerk
– Secretary
– Service center service employee
– Shipping / Receiving Clerk *
– Support center service employee
– Surgical assistant *
– Surveyor
– Switchboard operator
– Taxi driver  [*] 2023
– Teacher **
– Technical drafter
– Teller
– Title searcher
– Transportation planner
– Travel agent
– Truck driver  [*]  2023
– Typesetting and printer operators
– Waiter **
– Wealth manager *

[*]  Removed in 2023 due to extremely slow development of autonomous driving cars. However they will come one day. And then it maybe all of a sudden.
– Ambulance drivers
– Taxi driver
– Truck driver

JOBS WON BY 2040 (update 2023)

+ Prompt Engineer 
+ AI Application Developer
+ Data cleansing consultant
+ Industrial Neuro Scientist
+ Online Training Developer for AI Applications

+ AI Security Architect
+ Human Intelligence Augmentation Expert
+ Human Intelligence Augmentation Planner
+ Human Intelligence Augmentation Coach
+ Human Intelligence Augmentation Trainer
+ Human Talent Analyst
+ Human Talent Developer (school, university)
+ Live Long Learning Expert
+ Self payment observers in Supermarkets
+ Industrial purchase consultant

Jobs gone – jobs won

With new opportunities and new jobs – additional opportunities get created and this will create yet another wave of jobs.
At the World Innovations Forum, we are working on interesting concepts to solve the problem. It’s a three-prong approach
1) Taxing the output of AMs. That tax money then can be used to pay a lifelong base income for those who cannot switch jobs or just don’t find any other job.
2) Organizing an ‘Unconditional Base Income” for the respective group of people.
3) Providing coaching to start alternative activities such as environment protection services, artist jobs, care jobs, photography reporters, travel explorers, and many more.

When will we live a self determined life

In the following 30–55 years – 50 to 75 years from now, we may have a totally different perspective on the “JOB” and may call it a new trend to actively eradicating work so we can actually follow our heart and dreams. Already Confucius said “

Look for an activity you wholeheartedly love
and you will never work a day in your life

Our today’s mind is conditioned to have a JOB – to make enough money to have a good life – and if you don’t you have a miserable life and can’t feed a family. It may be that future generations look more than ever into self fulfillment. It doesn’t mean they won’t do anything but they only do what they love. There is no job on the plant today that nobody want’s to do – and if so, we could easily build the machines to do it. We may come to a point where “JOBS” that make money will be replaced by “MISSION” that also makes money. For me I adjusted the old saying of Confucius a bit that helped me get out of the old circle.

Look for an activity you wholeheartedly love
and find people who love what you do.

I followed Confucius and truly loved my first job. We may just need to change our mindset a little bit :) And technology plays all of a sudden an important role in handling those jobs that most people don’t LOVE in the first place.


UPDATE (4 years later)

Q4 2023, the prediction needed an update, in particular through major advances in AI. With those advances we will need new and different qualities. Still the number of employees needed may decline
I decided to put the year of updates next to the job position and added an additional list of jobs that didn’t exist before

Let me know your insights and predictions so that others can see different opinions.
Also if you know of NEW jobs that are created due to AI and Robotics share tat as well

Contribute to Jobs gone by 2040

Join the World Innovations Forum and add your thoughts to the “Jobs gone by 2040” circle.


In a world that’s rapidly advancing, where the intersection of technology and business continuously redefines industries, it’s imperative for corporate leaders to stay informed and adept. For those at the helm of management in large companies and for AI technologists, understanding the nuances of Innovation, Transformation, and Automation is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity.

1) The Core Differences: Innovation, Transformation, and Automation

  • Innovation can be visualized as the heartbeat of any forward-thinking organization. It’s the act of introducing something novel—be it a groundbreaking product, an ingenious process, or a revolutionary idea. The essence of innovation lies not just in conception but in execution. It’s about fresh thinking that manifests tangible value. But innovation isn’t a mere sporadic burst of creativity; it’s a continual commitment to pushing boundaries.
  • Transformation, on the other hand, is the phoenix of the corporate world. It signifies a metamorphic shift in how a company operates. This could encompass a change in its foundational business model, core operations, or even its cultural ethos. Unlike mere change, which is incremental, transformation is holistic, giving birth to an entirely renewed entity.
  • Automation is the application of technology designed to perform tasks with minimal human touchpoints. If innovation is the heart and transformation the soul, automation is the muscle of modern businesses. It’s about leveraging technology to its full potential, ensuring efficiency, consistency, and often, accuracy that the human hand might falter in.

2) Living Examples: Demonstrating the Power of Three

  • When we recall Innovation, Apple’s introduction of the iPhone is a luminary. Not just a new product, the iPhone changed how consumers thought about phones. It wasn’t just a device for calls—it became an integral part of our daily lives, blending communication, entertainment, and work.
  • Transformation has its cautionary tales, with Blockbuster being a prominent one. As streaming platforms rose to dominance, Blockbuster, once a giant in its realm, attempted to transition from physical stores to online content. Their journey underscores that transformation, while crucial, isn’t a guaranteed success but a strategic necessity.
  • And for Automation, car manufacturing offers a crisp illustration. The adoption of robotic arms in assembly lines has not only sped up production but also introduced a level of precision previously unattainable. Similarly, in the digital space, chatbots attending to customer queries at all hours exemplify automation’s prowess.

3) The Art of Choosing: When to Innovate, Transform, or Automate

  • Innovation is the tool of choice when exploring uncharted territories. Companies aiming to capture a new market segment, address a previously unidentified need, or offer a unique solution often lean on innovation. It’s about building a bridge where there’s been no path before.
  • Transformation is the answer when there’s a seismic shift in the industry landscape. When external factors—technological disruptions, changing consumer behaviors, or geopolitical shifts—demand that companies reinvent themselves, transformation becomes inevitable. It’s about ensuring the ship not only stays afloat but can navigate the new waters adeptly.
  • Automation becomes the focus when efficiency is the goal. Whether it’s to reduce overhead costs, eliminate repetitive tasks, or ensure a consistent quality of output, automation streamlines processes, making them more predictable and scalable.

4) Weighing the Economics and Strategy

  • Investing in Innovation can be a gamble. The R&D costs, market research, and prototype testing demand substantial financial commitments. However, successful innovations often yield exponential returns, granting companies not just revenue but a competitive edge.
  • Transformation is both a financial and cultural investment. Beyond capital allocation for new tools or business models, it demands a shift in mindset across the organization. The payoff, though, is longevity and continued relevance in an evolving marketplace.
  • Automation, while demanding initial technological investments, promises long-term savings. Reducing manual labor, minimizing errors, and accelerating processes, it ensures companies can deliver more for less.

5) Crafting and Executing: From Ideas to Reality

  • Innovation thrives in environments that nurture creativity. Beyond financial backing, it requires a cultural acceptance of risk, iterative testing, and a feedback-rich ecosystem. It’s a balance of brainstorming sessions, prototyping labs, and market tests.
  • Transformation is a marathon. It necessitates buy-in from all organizational levels, from the C-suite to the front-line employees. Often, external consultants, familiar with the transformation journey, can offer valuable insights. It’s a mix of strategy meetings, training sessions, and constant communication.
  • For Automation, technical prowess is paramount. Integrating new systems with legacy ones, ensuring staff training for automated tools, and maintaining these systems are integral. It’s about tech assessments, integration blueprints, and regular software updates.


As we stand at the cusp of a future molded by AI, understanding the trinity of Innovation, Transformation, and Automation becomes crucial. For management and AI technologists, it’s not about choosing one over the other but discerning which to leverage when, ensuring that companies are not just surviving but thriving in the corporate landscape of tomorrow.

Human Intelligence Augmentation (HIA): The Future of Human-Machine Collaboration

The Dawn of HIA In 1961, Douglas Engelbart introduced the world to Human Intelligence Augmentation (HIA). Instead of technology replacing humans, Engelbart envisioned a symbiotic relationship, where machines would amplify our capabilities. While the technology of the time couldn’t fully realize this vision, today, we stand on the verge of Engelbart’s dream.

The Essence of Intelligence Historically, intelligence was viewed as our ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Today, our understanding is more nuanced; intelligence is multi-faceted, encompassing logical reasoning, creativity, emotional intuition, and more. While humans possess unparalleled creative problem-solving abilities, our capacity to handle hyper-complex problems is limited. On the other hand, AI excels at processing vast amounts of data efficiently, free from human fatigue and biases. But AI lacks understanding, empathy, and purpose-driven context. The solution? A collaborative approach, maximizing the strengths of both humans and AI, holds the key to untapped potential. In all of human history, homo sapiens turned out to be a master in building tools to overcome virtually any physical deficiency. Humans can’t lift tons of weight, so we created a crane. Humans can’t run at 100 km/h to get fast from A to B. So, we built cars after we created wagons pulled by horses. We cannot easily comprehend what is involved in creating breakthrough innovations, so we built computer software that can help us think through any aspect of the process. Today, we are at a point where, with the help of AI, not only can almost everybody do that task, but we can do it in a few weeks instead of needing a year or two. The Future of Mind-Machine Collaboration starts today.

Unleashing HIA’s Potential Several technologies are pushing the boundaries of HIA. Among these is Neuro-AI-Fusion, which leverages insights from neuroscience to activate brain triggers, enhancing human thinking. We’re also seeing advancements in Generative AI and Large Language Models, enabling a higher level of creativity and processing capabilities. Remember, the AI tools that are transforming industries today are augmentations of our abilities, just like vehicles or cranes have been in the past. As we gaze into the future, HIA promises innovations in record times, individualized learning experiences, and solutions to massive challenges like space colonization or environmental crises.

HIA in the Business Sphere The business landscape is changing, with a demand for rapid innovation and a growing skills gap. HIA has the potential to revolutionize this sector. For instance, managers can simulate decision outcomes akin to crash testing in vehicles. Moreover, with HIA, businesses can offer personalized customer experiences, optimize human resources, and foresee supply chain disruptions, giving them an unparalleled competitive edge. The era of raw data reliance is fading; businesses will soon harness the blend of human insight and AI precision. This blend is already realized today when predicting innovation success probability.

World’s first HIA application  A very timely example is the challenge of getting AI into all areas of a business to reduce the workload where employees are not best qualified and delegate those tasks to machines. The time gain allows everybody to do more creative work and increase productivity by an order of magnitude. In a way, everybody will become a manager, managing machines by delegating all kinds of work like research, report writing, documentation, review processes, validations, and much more to AI-driven systems. Such an AI Adoption Project may have taken one to three years in large global enterprises. Today, BlueCallom ADOPT helps teams manage the execution of such a project in a few weeks and delivers a magnificent outcome that is almost guaranteed. It is the first genuine Human Intelligence Augmentation solution leveraging Neuro-AI-fusion for direct brain access without touching the person. The Future of Mind-Machine Collaboration is now a reality.

HIA: Transforming Education Education disparities exist globally, with many facing unequal access to quality learning. HIA offers solutions: adaptive learning platforms, augmented reality tools for remote education, and AI-driven materials tailored to various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. HIA tools can bridge expertise gaps in specialized fields through simulated learning environments, AI-driven expert systems, and collective problem-solving platforms.

HIA: Rise of Super Humans  Even though HIA does not touch the brain or involve any medical or other modulations, it gives humans superpowers relative to anybody else. It allows individuals and teams to do things in a fraction of the time or reach ideas that are just not possible with brainstorming or other methods. Again, the first people who drove a car could span distances nobody else could before. Or people could fly what was impossible even to imagine before the inception of the first planes.  Mind-machine collaboration is now on its long journey to a world unimaginable for most of us.

In Conclusion  HIA isn’t about machines replacing humans or keeping us occupied in a technology-dominated age. It’s about embracing technology to enhance human abilities and forging a collaborative future. Through HIA, we’re charting a path to a future where humans are more insightful, connected, and capable. Embracing this collaboration doesn’t just redefine our work or learning; it reshapes our very essence in a digital age. As we venture into this intertwined future, we have to realize that HIA  is not a way to protect humans from machines; it is all about giving humans yet another power tool to do things that we cannot do with our abilities. But this time, it isn’t augmenting our muscle power but our brain power.  Hence our saying: AI is not replacing people, but people using AI will displace people who don’t. You have very, very limited chances to become a manager if you can’t read or write. The next generation, leveraging Human Intelligence Augmentation, will displace anybody without exception.

Meet the Mind-Machine Collaboration. Human Intelligence Augmentation is here today and is demonstrated on Nov 30th at the Swiss Innovation Forum in Basel. You will be able to have a first live HIA experience at the BlueCallom booth by solving a complex problem within 180 seconds. You will become a Super Human for a few minutes without anybody touching you – it will blow your mind. Make sure you register for a time slot. The event is only one day !!!

World Innovations Forum Foundation is collaborating with BlueCallom on Large-Scale Innovation concepts. Building Concept Innovations are typically Level 4 or 5 innovations, introducing massive advancements to humanity. Some examples include Geo-Thermal Energy Plants that should be able to serve energy on the petawatt level. Enough to produce electricity for the whole world. Or new container and logistics systems that increase the volume of goods by 20-fold and solve one of the biggest logistics problems. Another one is a level-5 innovation. The quantum communication project shall allow quantum computers to communicate via quantum entanglement and communicate at unimaginable and even unexplainable speed – as it is more or less instant communication. Two FinTech projects that are related and will change the very foundation f the banking business. No. It has nothing to do with blockchain but digital banking and business model innovation.

Currently, six concept innovation projects are exposed, another eight are in an early preparation state, and some are in the pipe. Over time we expect more external ideas and concepts to join the innovation community.

How does it work?

Companies are working with us to develop a large-Scale Innovation that fits their business interest. We would also explore substantial large-scale Innovations from free teams with well-defined concepts and want to run them using our platform and infrastructure. We are open to exploring other models as long as they are significant and sustainable Large-Scale Innovations that make a difference to humanity. The project can be done as an open innovation project (suggested) or a closed project with only the minimum information exposed to attract supporters.

Who can join, building concept innovations?

Generally speaking, every WIForum Member with a team of innovative minds. If you have no team, you can ask your network to register on our website as a teammate, and we will make the qualification and onboarding for you. The minimum team size is 10. We reserve the right to reject an application.

Terms and conditions will be available soon.

Genuine Innovation Examples

We analyzed innovative companies and focused on identifying the “Disruptive Moment.” We asked ourselves if it would be possible to achieve similar results through improvements (incremental innovation). We picked Genuine Innovation Examples across different industries, such as Furniture, transportation services, Automotive, satellite communication, financial services, hospitality, and innovation management. To put it in context, here is how we define innovation for the work we do in general:

Innovation is a breakthrough that elevates people and organizations
in the way they do things that were not possible before

* IKEA  –  Furniture
Changed the way new furniture is made available.
Unlike the public opinion in the startup phase of IKEA, it is not the \contemporary look or the fact that everybody can assemble it; therefore, it’s cheaper. It offers a collection of “improvements,” including furniture production, distribution, offering, design, shop layout, and delivery model.
The Disruptive Moment: Customers can walk in and buy the furniture for an entirely new apartment in one day and has it the same day. That is still impossible with any other furniture company.
The sheer magnitude of the IKEA business model could not be achieved by improving a conventional furniture company or trying it step by step with incremental innovation. Many have tried but have yet to get there.

* Uber  –  Taxi
Change the level of trust and reliability of taxies.
Uber has been and still is fought in cities around the world. Most see the lower price and the freedom of everybody can do it as one of the critical threats. Consumers like it because it is easy to call an Uber almost anywhere in the world, with no language issues or payment issues. They see the car coming in the app, and if it cannot come for whatever reason, they see it too. Uber drivers are generally more friendly, and the whole experience is considered better. The innovation is a collection of features and concepts.
The Disruptive Moment – still today: Customers never have to worry whether the ride gets more expensive, the driver tries to heat, only takes cache, or similar payment issues. The rider knows the price upfront, which is deducted at the end of the ride, no matter what. That is still impossible with any other taxi organization.
The perfectly aligned customer experience of getting, paying, and valuing a ride could not be realized with an improvement of existing Taxi organizations.

* Tesla  –  Electric Vehicles
Change the way cars get refueled/charged
Tesla is known to be the thought leader in environmentally friendly cars, pushing for better batteries and creating the charging infrastructure. The company is also leading the digital empowerment of automobiles. Again, the innovation of the Tesla car combines multitude of advantages, features, and infrastructure advances. In particular, on the infrastructure side, charging stations can be installed virtually anywhere. No petrol, gas, or hydrogen needs to be delivered by trucks or other means – only wires need to be laid or solar cells, etc., set up.
The Disruptive Moment: Customers can charge their car at home, in parking garages, in the office, in supermarkets, and downtown in almost any city. And that is still impossible for combustion engines, whether it is petrol, gas, or hydrogen.
The complexity of EV travel could never be achieved with an improvement of the current automotive technology or “incremental innovation” of existing cars.

* StarLink  –  Satellite Internet
Changes in the way high-speed internet communication is provided
Starlink is already covering large areas that would not have Internet for a long time. Even in areas where it is promised to have fiber or at least regular slow Internet, the internet availability is often very unstable and spotty. The $50/month price for a 1/4 gigabit connection is very reasonable. The satellite dish adjusts automatically and works in the rain, cloudy, or bright ad hot sunshine.
The Disruptive Moment: Customers have an uninterrupted and stable Internet connection because their speed is not reduced when Friday night, all the neighbors stream their TV channels and bring the local concentrator to heat up. And that is still not possible, even if they have a 2 GB Fiberoptics connection.
The entire architecture of satellite internet would be impossible to realize with an improvement of terrestrial systems or “incremental innovation.”

* N26 Bank  –  Digital Banking
Change the way banking is conducted, available, and used.
Germany-based N26 digital bank is still developing. They created an entirely digital banking organization. Their currently 1,500 employees oppose roughly 70 employees of Credit Suisse for more or less the same functionalities yet with a far more efficient service and all-new customer experience. The N26 banking system is a native digital system, while conventional banks try to maintain their employee count and permanently jeopardize digital functionality.
The Disruptive Moment: the N26 business model is its fully automated transaction systems that will be able not to be less expensive but to perform even more responsive services for a fraction of the cost. Customers can perform any banking activity 24×7 in real-time, which is just not available at even the most advanced banks.
The level of sophistication in the fintech world in general and digital banking could never be achieved with an improvement or “incremental innovation.”

* Airbnb  –  Vacation Rental
Changed how travelers can find, book, and pay for attractive vacation rentals.
While the vacation rental market is more than 70 years old, it has never been organized in a way that is easy and trustful for the traveler. That has changed with Airbnb. People could book a room in somebody’s apartment, an entire apartment, a house, or a luxurious villa. Payment could be made via credit card in advance, but into an escrow account, so it was safe for travelers and renters. Contracts and terms had been established that were fair for both parties, And a deposit in case of any damage.  Also, here is a multi-facet innovation, taking care of all the little details.
The Disruptive Moment: Trust. Traveler and Renter provide their social media profiles so people can explore who they do business with. That level of trust is not available on other platforms. Often overseen, yet the primary decision for many to prefer Airbnb.
The comprehensive platform could never be realized by improving existing platforms with “incremental innovation.”

* BlueCallom  –  Innovation management
Change the way innovation is driven to success
BlueCallom has focused on empowering teams to deliver breakthrough innovation in less than six months. The company provides an end-to-end process that starts before ideas are explored and finishes only after the innovation is successful in its designated market. A rich KPI framework allows executives to monitor the process and predict the success probability. A unique strategy model helps an entire enterprise to manage its innovation undertaking. Also here, an entire network of unique functions are connected.
The Disruptive Moment: The confluence of neuroscience and computer science (AI). The neuro ideation methods leverage human creativity to its fullest potential. That is not possible with any other solution or technique.
The innovation development speed could never be achieved with improvements or “incremental innovation” of existing solutions (we tried and failed).

You could do the above genuine innovation examples and look at your competitors, any successful unicorn or your own company to see if there is a clear match to genuine innovation.

What 90%+ of innovative solutions have in common

  1. The above companies [innovative companies in general] identified a serious problem and solved it by building a brand new solution tailored to solve the respective problem in the best and most comprehensive way.
  2. Their solution consists of a multitude of unique and innovative functionalities and did not have to make any compromise by keeping existing designs or features.
  3. They did not need to pay attention to any existing capabilities or the lack thereof  in sales and marketing teams and structures.
  4. They could build the most effective production line and select the most effective delivery and service model, providing the best possible customer experience.
  5. It took a year or two to be in the market, It took 3 years to be recognized as a game changer, 5 years to go global and 10 years to become the respective global market leader including all other solutions in that market. Most of them continued to be the undisputed dominant market leader, including SAP, Microsoft, Apple, Blackrock, Oracle…


The above Genuine Innovation Examples show how their so-called ‘Disruptive Moment’ make it an innovation that would not be possible to achieve if existing solutions were improved or developed further with an “Incremental Innovation.”  All those Genuine Innovation Examples also may help illustrate that incremental innovation is simply nonsense and a pseudo-innovation excuse.

To hear more about this topic, ask questions or enter the discussion,
Join us on Nov 9, to our innovation thought leader webinar Genuine and Pseudo Innovation. 

In any case, I would love to hear your opinion about the characteristics of innovative solutions or companies.679