Entries by Axel Schultze

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MVP, Minimum Viable Product

There is a concept called MVP – Minimum Viable Product. Even though the name kind of says it all, the concept “MINIMUM” – “VIABLE” – “PRODUCT” indicates that there are as few features as possible, it must kind of work and it is a product – most entrepreneurs interpret MVP as the early iteration of […]

Best founders are co-founders

The single best resource you as a founder can – and really really should – look for, is a co-founder. 1) Solopreneurs have the least success rates of all founders 2) A stellar business focused generalist will always be at best a mediocre product creator 3) The most talented developer is probably the least likely CEO […]

The initial value of an idea is zero

You have a new business idea. You are so excited that it quickly becomes your best-kept secret. You get almost paranoid about somebody stealing this great concept that apparently nobody else figured out yet. Now – one day you have to share the secret, when you hire somebody to help you build the product when […]