World Innovations Day Support – Application

Creating your own initiative or supporting other initiatives.


Creating awareness for the importance of innovation. Giving people a chance to explore their creativity and ability to innovate. With industrial automation is progressing and office automation getting to over 90% in the next 25 years, we all need to better understand our greatest gift, given by mother nature: CREATIVITY, the substance of innovation.

Ways to support WIDay 2021

Creating our own innovation initiative
We are inviting Corporations, Organizations, Governments to initiate a public innovation initiative. This can be an innovative idea for a business, entertainment, the public good, or governmental support of their society. Please share your thoughts and let us explore it. If a project is accepted by the World Innovations Forum, it will be fully supported and promoted by the World Innovations Forum, and BlueCallom, who will provide the digital innovation platform for your project. To make it a truly public project, you will have to include at least 50 people from outside your company. External innovation contributors can be customers or business partners and must be open to anybody.

Supporting some of the initiatives
Just join the program and support one of the initiatives. Participate in a public innovation project, help spread the word, share progress, and results of projects. Be part of an amazing worldwide initiative.

Organizing a local support initiative
You may want to organize a local event, online, or live. Invite the innovative minds in your area and be broadcasted globally. Discuss details with our event team. Set up interviews, round tables, presentations, contests, whatever you come up with – be creative.

Volunteering, supporting World Innovations Day
Help our team in the headquarter and locally to organize World Innovations Day 2021. You can help by managing and coordinating initiatives, events, programs, marketing, and more. Our organization is 100% digital !!! We have employees that we never met in person. So you can work from any place in the world as long as you speak fluently English and have a high-speed Internet connection, webcam, and microphone.

However you like to support us, ANY helping hand is more than welcome. Just register here —->


For existing members only. Your membership credentials will be added automatically.

If you want to act outside your country, select the continent you like to support.
*** As a corporation, industry association, non-profit, education center, or government, you may want to create an initiative with our support.,