This post was inspired by a question on Quora “What are the most common mistakes first time entrepreneurs make?”. If seen these mistakes over and over again:

  1. Trying to be the nice guy – instead selfishly execute your vision because nobody will if not you.
  2. Being fearful, avoiding risks – instead stand up and be bold
  3. Looking what other startups do, investors want, media pushes – instead explore your very own path
  4. Doing everything yourself because it is “faster” – instead share and delegate
  5. Trusting you need money to do what you want to do – instead find other ways to make it happen
  6. Hiding your vision because of you are insecure – instead spread it wide and loud
  7. Believing you know what your customers want because you want it – instead let go and listen
  8. Wasting time by create a plan B – instead make sure you have a single robust plan
  9. Ask your friends what they think – instead ask your target audience
  10. Enjoying being your own boss – instead be the servant of your market