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First Monday of Every Month
Don’t forget to register for other upcoming Knowledge Transfer Webinars. Entrepreneurs talk about their experience and answer often asked questions. Join and see what you can learn, ask questions in the live session and get answers. This is a great opportunity to get directly in touch with top entrepreneurs. Our global Knowledge Transfer web series is free and available to anyone.
Now you can watch all of our past webinars from the very beginning online. Don’t miss out on an content. Note: Our webinars follow a progression from whether you have the right DNA to be an entrepreneur to what it takes to acquire customers; however, they do not necessarily need to be watched in order. Watch or Join the webinars you feel contain content most interesting to you.
If you enjoy the content please let us know by commenting or liking our videos on YouTube. Also, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out and we would be happy to respond.
The Coronavirus COVID-19 has brought our life globally to a halt. While all current measures are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading to most of the population, we must accelerate innovation to get our life back to normal and save people’s life. The virus is taking human life hour by hour. Time is critical and we must put our minds together to accelerate innovation on a global scale.
There are amazing ideas and great solutions – but all scattered around the planet
We need to shift gear! Make ideas a reality and share those solutions
The last five to ten years, pretty much any business and any government was pushing for more innovation. But if somebody was asked “How do I innovate? Tell me step by step”, there was no tangible answer. Tens of thousands of consultants help people to “open their mind”, other use the “design thinking” model to process ideas – actually very well. But the question remains: “How do you CREATE those innovative ideas” that you can then process in a design thinking model!
This is the hot stuff! The new way to create disruptive and ground-breaking ideas – no kidding. Almost all can do it – but just didn’t know how.
Our local meetup groups offer a great opportunity to meet other Entrepreneurs, Investors and Enablers in your area. Our meetup events are host by our Country Ambassadors. Find out about upcoming meetup events by joining and subscribing to your local meetup group.
NOTE: All meetup events are currently being held online and will resume onsite once countries have been given the clear to start hosting larger events.