World Innovations Forum Team Meeting

By Invitation Only – Nov.15 in Saigon


Meeting Purpose
– Discuss short term activities during our stay in Vietnam
– Provide an outline of our initiatives from 2020 until 2027.
– Our objective in 2020 is to seed innovation with innovative minds.
– In the book “Innovation Paradigm”, Axel Schultze describes scientific evidence why we can build everything we can imagine. This will fundamentally change all industries in the next 5 – 25 years.
– Emerging countries are the biggest beneficiaries from the new discoveries.

We envision a world, where prosperity is possible for all nations through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Unlike conventional practice, we do not bring technology and experts into a country. Instead we look for talented entrepreneurs and help them build their own economy – very much like the fathers of our developed world built the foundation of their economy.

Economic Development Aid 4.0
We are data driven, using latest understanding of Innovative Thinking and digital media to rapidly help building businesses in the developing world, like we have been helped build our businesses in Silicon Valley. With a 5x Impact Effectiveness we can help bring a nation in 18 years to prosperity – not 90 years.

Meeting Agenda

09.15 – 09:45 WIForum Status quo
Discuss short term activities during our stay in Vietnam Events, meetings, accelerator program, TechFest
09:45 – 10.00 Provide an outline of our initiatives all the way to 2027
– Seeding Innovation 2020
– Unfolding Innovation 2021
– Fertilizing Innovation 2022
– Growing Innovation 2023
– Scaling Innovation 2024
– Spreading Innovation 2025
– Harvesting Innovation 2026
– Innovation to IPO 2027
10:00 – 11.00 Discussion
How could we be most helpful in Vietnam?
What would that mean in the immediate future – year 2020
How could you help us help you, i.e. contact, introductions, and so forth….
11.00 – 11:30 Action plan going forward


Personal Invitation

With multiple names, you may write your main first name in capital letters.
Your last name
We will not send you any other news or info.
If you are not belonging to any company feel free to share your current focus activity
If you have a position in a company
Support how you could help us help entrepreneurs to thrive.
How we could help you and your organization
Please share any thoughts here and we will get back to you asap.