Pitch application

Please make sure only founders present


Present your business fully confident that you want to bring your company all the way to the top. Now, of course there is nothing wrong with small businesses. It’s just not the focus of our initiatives.

We are looking to support founder teams, not solopreneurs. Building a big company needs more than one brain. The engineering or specialist brain and the business or generalist brain.

Are you ready to go to market, ready to speak to investors, ready to hire staff, ready to grow and scale, and ready to send proposals, invoices, take returns? If not yet, let us help you get there but maybe skip this next event.


Present on the next event

Use this field to share anything else.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If your deck is not ready yet, send it anyway, You may send us an update latest 72 hours before the event.