News Updates
Latest News Updates from around the world associated with COVID-19.
The Most (And Least) Risky Activities For Spreading Covid-19
When it comes to spreading Covid, not all activities are created equal. That’s according to a fascinating infographic that’s been shared on social media, charting the riskiest activities that encourage the virus to spread.
Club-goers will be sad to see the heat map suggests nightclubs are the ultimate high-risk activity, followed by seeing a concert or play, attending an indoor party, visiting an indoor bar, attending a sports stadium, and going to church. . . MORE
Top Stories
COVID-19: What you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic on 21 September
Posted: September 21, 2020
Updated CDC guidance acknowledges coronavirus can spread through the air
Posted: September 21, 2020
Expert’s take: Four lessons from COVID-19 that should shape policy decisions everywhere
Posted: August 28, 2020
COVID-19: Afghan all-female robotics team have designed a low-cost ventilator
Posted: July 27, 2020
It’s official: The CDC wants you to wear a mask
Posted: July 15, 2020
Pine-Sol cleaner has been approved to kill coronavirus on hard surfaces
Pine-Sol’s original cleaner has been approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a product that can kill the coronavirus on frequently used surfaces.
Coronavirus face masks: An environmental disaster that might last generations
Face coverings are now a legal requirement in many public spaces around the world. But even before they became compulsory, masks were causing litter problems on land and at sea.
One February beach clean in Hong Kong found 70 masks along 100 meters of shoreline, with 30 more appearing a week later. In the Mediterranean, masks have reportedly been seen floating like jellyfish. . . MORE
After 102 Days COVID-Free, New Zealand’s Resurgence Highlights the Difficulties of Returning to Normal Life
For the past three months, New Zealanders have enjoyed a ‘COVID-free’ country, with citizens hugging one another, children returning to classrooms and sport fans filling stadiums. But this changed on Tuesday, when a family of four from Auckland, the country’s biggest city, tested positive for the virus, breaking a 102 day streak without any new COVID-19 cases. As of today, 29 people have tested positive for the virus, all of which remain linked to the original four cases. . . MORE
A doctor runs 22 miles in a face mask to prove that they are safe
A doctor in England wanted to prove that face masks won’t impair your oxygen levels. So he ran for 22 miles while wearing one.
‘It’s The Hunger Games for Laboratories.’ Why Some People Are Waiting Weeks for Their COVID-19 Test Results
A graduate student in Florida waited 11 days. Positive. A 14-year-old in California waited 24 days. Negative. A writer in New York has waited for four days—and is still waiting.
As the United States struggles to control the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the country are using Twitter to announce the arrival of their virus test results. The point of these tweets is not just to broadcast the result itself, but to point out the absurdity of receiving a result so stale that it’s almost completely useless from a public health standpoint. . . MORE
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